The Daily Ping

Ain't no party like a Ping party!

January 15th, 2001

1900 House

Screw Temptation Island (clearly the sleaziest and most staged of all the current “reality shows”), I’ve been sucked in by 1900 House.

In case you haven’t heard, in this British combination of Survivor and The Real World, a large family moves into a rowhouse to live like it was 1900 for three months. They are only permitted to buy and use products that were available at the time and have to otherwise adjust their lives to experience what their ancestors did. As boring and PBS-ish as this may sound (and, yes, it is on PBS), it’s surprisingly engaging, and certainly more educational than 99% of current TV programming.

Though I’ve only seen the second half of the second episode, I’m now quite psyched to see the rest of the season. Especially episode three, where the family cheats and buys something “forbidden” by 1900 standards. Ooooh… I can’t wait! 🙂 -ram

Posted in Television, Movies, and Music

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