The Daily Ping

Somehow, Ryan has written over 1 million Pings; Paul, just 60.

April 23rd, 2001

Ten Princesses

I’m in one of those moods…
  1. I am a princess!
  2. Princess George, Ruler of the Squirrels
  3. This princess likes adult movies
  4. The Princess Conference
  5. I Am Oprah, Princess of Darkness
  6. Princess Buttercup
  7. PriNcEsS AleX is FriGGiN aNNoYiNg.
  8. Princess Baladina
  9. The Ugly Princess
  10. Princess Butterball the Cat… Feline, it’s what’s for dinner.

Posted in Miscellaneous

What is this then?

The Daily Ping is the web's finest compendium of toilet information and Oreo™® research. Too much? Okay, okay, it's a daily opinion column written by two friends. Did we mention we've been doing this for over ten years? Tell me more!

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