The Daily Ping

Women make wilk, big whop!

July 18th, 2001

It’s Macworld: Go Crazy.

Perhaps the biggest day of the year for Macheads, and a lot of those in the tech industry, is today: Macworld NY. Last year, Apple introduced a rather funny-lookin’ thing called the G4 Cube which I actually said I’d pass on. (Of course, today I’m typing this Ping on – what else? – a G4 Cube.)

But today is the day, and rumor sites have been going crazy over what Steve Jobs will or won’t announce. Will it be a new, flat-panel iMac? How about some new G4 towers already? And what about something to fill the alleged gap between the iBook and PowerBook G4? No one knows, and this year – unlike last – there have been no real leaks to the press. Impressive.

Give Jobs credit: he knows how to surprise people. He loves it, and I know that the Mac fans love it too. Without the various Macworld shows, we wouldn’t really know what to expect next from Apple.

Watch this little company: someday, they’re gonna be big. -pm

Posted in Technology

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