The Daily Ping

Somehow, Ryan has written over 1 million Pings; Paul, just 60.

January 18th, 2002

Juicy Fruit

In addition to Fruit Stripe, my other favorite gum while growing up was Juicy Fruit. (It’s even had the same packaging since 1987.)

For the past few days, though, the old Juicy Fruit jingle has been in my noggin and I haven’t been able to get it out. I remember quite vividly different takes on the first line, particularly, “Get your skis shined up!” because, as we all know, Juicy Fruit is very popular in Aspen.

Thing about Juicy Fruit is, like Fruit Stripe, the thing has 10 second flavor. I know I used two sticks of gum a few times to combat the quick-dying flavor. What’s the deal with good-tasting gums and short flavor lifespans, anyway? The taste might move me, but not if it goes away so quickly, y’know.

Anyway, I don’t chew much gum anymore. I’m now a mint guy, although I’ll say that this type of Juicy Fruit is probably more my speed now. -pm

Posted in Miscellaneous

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