The Daily Ping

The Story About Ping was about a duck, not this website.

April 13th, 2006

The Worst Way to Contact Me

I’m not a hard man to get a hold of. I check e-mail constantly. I’m on IM if you know how to reach me. And though I don’t like talking on the phone, I’m still accessible that way most of the day. Some days, I even have a cell phone on me! Wow!

But I have to say that the absolute worst way to get in touch with me now is by US mail. Sure, it’s essential for packages and such, but if there’s correspondence that comes in, particularly if it requires action on my part, it almost always gets lost in the shuffle. We do a pretty good job around our house of junking all the random coupons and mortgage offers as soon as we pick the mail up, but even so, the stack of mail that results still doesn’t get sorted through or acted on nearly enough, aside from bills (most of which are paid online now anyway).

I got something in the mail the other day that I read, put aside, and completely forgot about. It took the person making a follow-up phone call to me, at work, in order for me to make the appointment I was asked to make.

E-mail’s slightly better for these things. At least I can easily flag them, though things still often get lost in the shuffle or ignored because of the sheer quantity.

So, if you need to catch up with me, whatever you do, don’t write me a postal letter.

Posted in Everyday Life

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