The Daily Ping

The 5,000th Ping will be published on September 14, 2013.

January 7th, 2008

A House I’d Love to Visit

We’re thinking about redoing our living room to turn it into more of a library/reading room this year, so I’ve begun searching around for some inspiration… pictures of bookshelves, stories about organization, layouts of personal libraries. As I was searching about Flickr, I came across this interesting overhead-storage setup. What’s more interesting than that single shot, though, is the set it’s a part of and the story behind it.

Apparently, this couple bought a church that was for sale and are renovating it as a house for themselves. It’s quite a project and they’re documenting it on Flickr. Some of my favorites: Their bathroom, the music studio (geekifed version), and their 204″ (17 feet diagonal) projection HDTV.

So cool (and ambitious).

Posted in Just Plain Odd

Paul January 7, 2008, 6:57 pm

Buying a church and turning it into a home? Sacrilicious!

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