The Daily Ping

Fred "Rerun" Barry once commented here.

September 9th, 2009

Simple Toilet Question

On this ninth day of the ninth month of the two-thousand-ninth year of some people’s lord, I ask you this:

Why don’t toilets have a simple button that lets you add more water to the bowl based on what you plan on using the toilet for at that moment? Most of the time, only a small amount of water is required, so why waste it with a full bowl full? Other times, a little extra water may be required.

(Boy, it’s still hard to write delicately about toilet usage without using potty language.)

Posted in Toilets

Viren September 10, 2009, 8:56 pm

Most toilets I’ve seen in Asia have 2 buttons: less water and more water. I gather from this that “most people in the US don’t care much about water conservation” :-\

What is this then?

The Daily Ping is the web's finest compendium of toilet information and Oreo™® research. Too much? Okay, okay, it's a daily opinion column written by two friends. Did we mention we've been doing this for over ten years? Tell me more!

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