The Daily Ping

The 10,000th Ping will be published on May 24, 2027. Paul will be just about 50 years old.

November 24th, 2004

Bad Sports Marketing

Chicago’s sports teams are an interesting lot. Right now, none of them are really championship-ready, but only the Cubs get the perpetual love while the other teams get the perpetual shaft.

Take, for instance, the Bulls. Remember them? There was this one player you might’ve heard of named Michael Jordan. But now they have the exciting Kirk Hinrich! And best of all, they have a great marketing campaign: “Through Thick and Thin.”

I’ve got to say that that’s easily one of the worst I’ve ever heard. Given the team’s record this season (not a single win yet,) I wish they’d just come out and change the slogan to something like, “Yes, We Aren’t That Good.” Or maybe, “Sorry, No MJ, But We Still Dunk On Occasion.” Something like that.

Insofar as Chicago’s other teams go, the Cubs are pretty much the only ones that don’t use (or need) a slogan. What’s the situation like in your area?

Posted in Sports

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