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January 17th, 2004

Glad Press ‘n Seal

I’m not a big fan of cling wrap and similar products because they just don’t seem to work very well. But I’ve got to say that I very much like the new Glad Press ‘n Seal, an alternative to cling wrap worth investigating. It uses a slightly different kind of plastic that manages not to stick to itself when you pull it off the roll but clings wonderfully around the container you’re wrapping. I guess this is what they are referring to with the godawfully-named “Griptex technology.”

Has anyone else tried this wonderful modern invention?

Posted in Miscellaneous

Barbara February 11, 2007, 7:12 pm

Strectch-tite is the BEST. I was introduced to this product several years ago.
I can longer find this product in either Stop & Shop or Shaws Market in Rhode Island or Seekonk, MA. However, I can now pouchase this product at East Side Market Place in Rhode Island.

I am so happy, because this is the only plastic product that actually works!!
I have given Stretch-tite as a gift to some of my family and friends. It really works.

MeMeMe May 24, 2007, 12:05 pm

Isn’t it just like companies to invent another item contributing to the global warming issue. EVERYone that uses this product “tosses it in the trash and no mess”. What a bunch of crap! The USA is nothing but a toss away society who cares nothing of but themselves. How many centuries will it take before that plastic disintegrates? How many poor animals will find those packages filled with food garbage and injest it? Can’t we think beyond our noses? Just how long do you think we can continue to pollute this world until it vomits it all back in our faces? The Earth is continuing to show us signs of revolt yet big businesses create more products that will create MORE garbage. You have kids? Grandkids? Ha! Well, they will not live a long, happy and healthy life, I am afraid and sorry to inform you. They will burn up by the heat of our sun, drown by our hurricanes and rivers due to ignorance of no one but who looks at you in the mirror. They will grow up hating you for what you have done to this Earth. Most of you fall victim to this throw away fad and those big companies are laughing all the way to the bank. How sad. How very very sad.

Dick Hourigan January 10, 2016, 12:30 pm

Press and Seal works very well at room temperature. But take a bowl of food out of the refrigerator, remove some food, and try to reseal it. Not so good. I find if I hold it in place with my hands and my body that I can warm the rim of the bowl enough that it will reseal. Thus, it seems to be temperature sensitive.

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