The Daily Ping

There were rumors of a Ping book, but those were started on the internet.

August 21st, 2004

The Most You’ve Ever Spent…

Follow my lead. The most you’ve ever spent on a … is:

  1. CD (me: I honestly don’t know, but it’s probably not as high as you’d think)
  2. DVD ($120 for the Limited Edition Freaks and Geeks set)
  3. Car (doesn’t count for me since I’ve only bought one car)
  4. Meal (about $60 or $70 for two at a place… one that used to be a church, I think… in Atlanta)
  5. Drink (since I don’t really drink, I’ll count the $150/lb. white tea I’ve bought… only 2 ounces, though)
  6. Movie ticket ($10 in 1997 in New York City to see the godawful The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation)
  7. Gallon of gasoline (~$2 for 87 octane, a couple months ago)
  8. Computer ($3000 for my Pentium 90 in 1995 which, now, I probably couldn’t give away)
  9. Hotel room (Personally, I’ve never paid more than $80 a night, but my company’s paid over $200 a night for business trips)

Feel free to add your own.

Posted in Everyday Life

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