The Daily Ping

This Ping redesign took 7 years and cost $58 million in taxpayer dollars.

September 30th, 2004

Free Not Free

One of the side benefits of ordering DSL nowadays seems to be the freebies. Back in the Olden Days, you were just happy that you could get the darn thing at all; now at least in this neck of the woods, SBC gives you a bunch of free things (mostly through Yahoo!) when you sign up. But there was one that caught my eye: 100 free 4×6 prints from Yahoo! Photos.

“Great!” I thought, “Now I can print out a whole bunch of pictures!” (Hey, like you’d think of anything more witty?) So I gave it a spin yesterday morning. I uploaded my pictures (which took a little while thanks to ADSL) and started the checkout process. Sure enough, there was a credit there. But wha..? Shipping and handling was $2.00 for three prints.

That means that the individual prints that are free were going to cost me 67 cents each. Now that wasn’t bad, but I wanted to see if I could eke out a better deal. The good news is that I could: if I ordered a dozen prints, the total was still $2.00. That’s 16 cents a print (nice.)

The only time the price went up was when I decided to get 100 prints at once. The shipping only went up a buck, meaning that my prints were just three cents. Clearly, what I need to do is order all of them at one time and give my mailman a hernia.

Three cents isn’t free, but it’s a lot closer than 67 cents.

Posted in Everyday Life

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