The Daily Ping

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October 29th, 2007

Lunch in Your Car

I’ve noticed an interesting phenomenon recently: people eating lunch in their cars. I assume that these are people that work in cubes, don’t like eating with others, and prefer sitting in an idling car rather than outside on a bench.

I can sort of understand the mindset, particularly if lunch-in-the-car is immediately followed by nap-in-the-car. I consider myself lucky to have an office with a door, so I can close my door and be antisocial while eating lunch, but even if I was forced out of my office, I think I’d opt to find a nice place outdoors rather than sitting in my car with the windows up (except in extreme cold weather).

Posted in Everyday Life

COD October 29, 2007, 8:50 pm

We used to this at the first place I worked after college. The office environment was sort of toxic (personality wise) and maintaining sanity sometimes required relaxing in vehicle with a sammich and some tunes.

Terry M. October 30, 2007, 2:50 am

I used to do this years and years ago – I would go to the drive -thru and then eat my lunch while driving around and then back to work. Not a great idea, but it worked.

I’ve noticed some McDonald’s locations have spots explicitly for parking and eating.

Of course, there is Sonic which is designed around the concept of eating in the car.

I have seen some people eating in their car at the parking lot at the office, which seems kind of creepy to me.

Aanen October 30, 2007, 11:54 am

I used to eat in my car when I worked at home depot. Sometimes I ate in the break room but when I did, I usually ate then had to run back out onto the floor. I HAD to get out of that place for a while. Ugh.

Paul October 30, 2007, 12:33 pm

I have indeed done this, mostly at my last job. There was no formal lunch/break area, I didn’t want to eat in my cube, and coworkers didn’t do lunch at the same time.

Plus my car was comfortable.

Looking back on it, it’s definitely a little sad.

jk October 31, 2007, 1:16 am

Great tunes, comfy seat…what’s not to love? Just make sure you turn off your phone so your co-workers don’t interrupt your peace.

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