The Daily Ping

The 5,000th Ping will be published on September 14, 2013.

December 21st, 2000

Is Santa Real?

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After a conversation with a co-worker yesterday about finding out there’s “no such thing as Santa Claus,” I tried to think back to when I found out and what my reaction was. I can’t pinpoint exactly when I found out, though it was probably about 7 or 8 years old. And I also don’t remember a specific event where I found out, but I think it was just through friends at school (though there was this one kid who vehemently argued that there was a Santa because one year he had snuck downstairs and seen him and I, personally, thought I heard sleigh bells one year).

What I do remember is asking my dad, “Is Santa Claus real?” His response wasn’t “yes” or “no,” but rather, “What do you think?” I think this response was a good one — especially since I didn’t really care all that much one way or the other. It let me figure it out on my own time. -ram

Posted in Miscellaneous

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